Justin Bieber wallpaper

I just made a wallpaper for all the Beliebers out there :3
(Click it for a bigger image)
it took me about 2 hours to make..

if you wanna post that image somewhere, please give me credit!
thanks :)<3

I'm a 15 year old BOY that loves Justin Bieber! and no, I'm not gay...
the past days have been horrible! got an eye inflammation, a cold and some kind of a ear disease :s
half of it I got from my älskling because I was so desprate to meet her even though she was sick..
have to say.. was still worth meeting her even though I got all of these things..<3
oh and if you're wondering why I'm speaking English, it's because I suck at swedish..

Postat av: ★ LizaBieber - it's the sound of swag you're hearin'

Haha aw<3 R u getting better babe? The eye-thing will be gone after 4-5days, don't worry hun ;)

Haha, you? A Belieber? AWW C'MON.. Awesome

2011-08-09 @ 23:00:36
Postat av: Joel Magg

yea, starting to feel a lot better :)<3

haha YEA! I'm a belieber at heart but ofc I'm not going around town saying that since I'm a dude and dudes are born haters xD

love you Lisa<3

2011-08-10 @ 01:53:30
URL: http://joelssketchbook.webblogg.se/
Postat av: ★ LIZABIEBER - it's the sound of swag you're hearin'

Sv; Greaaaaat<3


Love u more babe<3

2011-08-13 @ 14:30:05

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